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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

1 المقررات الدراسية

Language Projects for Gifted Children

Roblox and Programming in English with Costanza Casullo, MA

This project-based course kids will create their own Roblox world from zero knowledge and master the English used for multiple programming languages. Roblox in English is designed for children (aged 6-12) and adult (parents, tutors, older siblings) teams working together, or children as young as 10 to work independently.  Each course is 4 hours of blended live personal training and self-study using feedback loops and reachable goals so that the unique project is achieved.  Perfect as an introduction into programming because the child (and parent) learns key words and concepts in English that are used in all programming contexts, and learns to communicate within IT and development through applying English with fun and engaging activities.