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8 Classes


Legal Writing Masterclass



Chris Jensen, LLM, former attorney, professor, and legal linguist is author of "Legal Writing Coach" published by LexisNexis and has 30 years teaching experience for the world's top law firms and corporations.  In this Masterclass, Chris and other experts help you quickly and effectively learn the Four Core Skills:  Structure, Style, Tone, and Usage.  Includes: 4 hours of Podcasts with Connected Activities; 120 Phrase App Game; Best Practices of Legal Writing Review; Materials Bank for Each Topic; Personal Tutorial with Simulation; Individualized Feedback with Advanced Speaking and Writing Report. 

*Students who complete this course with 80% completion receive a Synergetics Education Legal Writing Basics Certificate signed by Chris Jensen, aka The Legal Writing Coach


Legal Writing Masterclass - Khaitan & Co.



Chris Jensen, LLM, former attorney, professor, and legal linguist is author of "Legal Writing Coach" published by LexisNexis and has 30 years teaching experience for the world's top law firms and corporations.  In this Masterclass, Chris and other experts help you quickly and effectively learn the Four Core Skills:  Structure, Style, Tone, and Usage.  Includes: 4 hours of Podcasts with Connected Activities; 120 Phrase App Game; Best Practices of Legal Writing Review; Materials Bank for Each Topic; Personal Tutorial with Simulation; Individualized Feedback with Advanced Speaking and Writing Report. 

*Students who complete this course with 80% completion receive a Synergetics Education Legal Writing Basics Certificate signed by Chris Jensen, aka The Legal Writing Coach


Legal Drafting Masterclass with Chris Jensen



Chris Jensen, LLM, former attorney, professor, and legal linguist is author of "Legal Writing Coach" published by LexisNexis and has 30 years teaching experience for the world's top law firms and corporations.  In this Masterclass, Chris and other experts help you quickly and effectively learn the Four Core Skills:  Structure, Style, Tone, and Usage.  Includes: 4 hours of Podcasts with Connected Activities; 120 Phrase App Game; Best Practices of Legal Writing Review; 60-page Materials Bank for Each Topic; Personal Tutorial with Simulation; Individualized Feedback with Advanced Speaking and Writing Report. 

*Students who complete this course with 80% completion receive a Synergetics Education Legal Writing Basics Certificate signed by Chris Jensen, aka The Legal Writing Coach


GPT for Lawyers and Legal Teams



Based on Dr. Josh Lange's LinkedIn Masterclass, in this workshop for all levels you learn how to use ChatGPT and other Artificial Intelligence language software ethically and efficiently to improve your legal practice.  Includes: 40 minute webinar and connected activities; 200 template prompts and phrases for Legal English for ChatGPT.  Available for free to registered users.

*Students who complete this course with 80% completion receive a Synergetics Education AI in Legal Writing Basics Certificate signed by Dr. Lange


Legal Drafting (Open Course)



Join our free guest course, with relevant content perfect for Law Students and Associates worldwide to quickly and effectively improve your Legal Writing ability ranging from Emails to Memos, Reports, Letters, Social Media and much more. Included: 15 Hours of Webinar Connected Activities; 300 Legal English Phrase App Game; Ebook on 20 Best Practices; Global Forum; Sub-Topics like Tax, Intellectual Property, and Commercial Law. 

*Available to Registered Users only.  Please register to the site, then sign up for this course, or send an email asking for access to:


Legal Negotiation Language with Claudia Winkler, LL.M, PhD (Harvard)



Claudia Winkler is a Harvard Law PhD with focus on Legal Negotiations and teaches in the world's top law firms and corporations.  In this Masterclass, Dr. Winkler and other experts help you learn various language and communication styles to negotiate in English.  Includes: 4 hours of podcasts with webcast connected activities; 120 phrase app game; best practices of legal negotiation review; personal tutorial with simulation, individualized feedback with advanced speaking and writing report. 

*Students who complete this course with 80% completion receive a Synergetics Education Language of Negotiation Certificate signed by Dr. Winkler


Writing and Submitting a US Patent Application in English with J.D Houvener



J.D. Houvener ( is author of several books, responsible for more than 1,000 patents and known as one of the world's leading patent lawyers. In this Masterclass, you learn the language and skills to identify and search for patents, write any patent or provisional application, and communicate with attorneys and advisors in English to ensure you have a successful US, EU or other patent.  Included: 4 hours of Video and Podcast Connected Activities; 120 Phrase App Game; Review of Essential Patent Concepts; Patent Search Tips;  Personal Tutorial with Simulation; Individualized Feedback with Advanced Speaking and Writing Report; Step-By-Step Process to Write, Edit, and Submit your Patent Application.

*Students who complete this course with 80% completion receive a Synergetics Education US Patent Writing Basics Certificate signed by J.D. Houvener



Contract Drafting for Non-Lawyers


Jeff Keiser esq. has helped managers, entrepreneurs, and other non-lawyer professionals around the world to write legally-binding contracts for over 10 years.  Learn quickly how to use 'boilerplate' contract provisions and AI support tools; make the contract legal; write the contract in your best interests; use standard vocabulary and structure for contracts; and edit contract provisions quickly and easily.  Included: 4 hours of Video and Podcast Connected Activities; 60 Phrase App Game; 60-page Contract Drafting and Editing Materials Reference Book; Review of Essential Contract Concepts;  Personal Tutorial with Simulation; Individualized Feedback with Advanced Writing Report; Step-By-Step Process to Write, Edit, and Review Contracts in English.

*Students who complete this course with 80% completion receive a Synergetics Education Contract Drafting Basics Certificate signed by Jeff Keiser, esq.